Tuesday, July 26, 2016

5 Things Successful People Say Every Day

When you’re feeling unmotivated, overwhelmed, or frustrated, try repeating some of these phrases, writes Neil Patel, a columnist at Forbes.com. It’s what he says successful people tell themselves every day:
1. “Go to bed.”
Arianna Huffington attributes her success managing a media empire to getting 8 hours of sleep each night. “If you want to start every day with a spring in your step, feeling alert, motivated, and focused, then you have to get enough sleep,” Patel writes.
2. “Things will get better.”
“Negative thoughts require more mental RAM than positive ones,” Patel notes. “They take longer to get over and generate much more powerful emotions.” Start each day with positive thoughts, such as by writing down three things you are thankful for on a sticky note and then stick it to your mirror or in your office planner, Patel suggests.
3. “Enjoy your lunch.”
Several studies have shown that taking an hour or more off of work before resuming a previous task leads to an increase in productivity and happiness in your job. Step away from your desk or get out of your car to enjoy a lunch by yourself or with peers.
4. “Start small.” 
Don’t just focus on your 10- to 20-year goals. “It’s hard to feel happy when you’re constantly reminded just how far you are from where you want to be,” Patel notes. Write out smaller, more measurable goals that you can take on daily, weekly, or monthly and constantly feel the inspiration from accomplishment.
5. “Write it down.”
Make a checklist each morning of what you want to accomplish that day, use either pen and paper or jot down in places like a board on Trello. Start with three goals at first. Then, increase those goals gradually.
Source: “11 Things Successful People Say to Themselves Every Day,” Forbes.com (July 25, 2016)

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