Tuesday, November 10, 2015

5 Cool Home Features That Can Deter Buyers

Several amenities that often are viewed as favorites by home by owners may actually make the home more difficult to sell. Realtor.com® recently highlighted a few “awesome features” that surprisingly can limit your buyer pool. Such as:
  • Nearby retail. Some buyers will be drawn to restaurants and bars within walking distance as well as easy access to major thoroughfares. But unless the area is mostly urban, sellers may find it a more difficult sale since not everyone wants to live near a busy street. “Homes that are on busy streets command less value than interior homes,” says Bob Ripp, a real estate appraiser in Fort Collins, Colo.
  • A swimming pool. In some warm-climate cities, an in-ground pool is practically a necessity. But in mild or cold climates, swimming pools don’t always give sellers an advantage. “There are several instances where pools detract from the home,” says Ripp, such as when it requires significant maintenance compared with the amount of year it is usable.
  • Big renovations. Home owners who over-improve their homes may also not see a big pay off in the end. If no other homes in the neighborhood has features like high-end granite countertops or the fancy landscaped yard, home owners may not see their high-end upgrades as appreciated when they go to sell. They may price themselves out of the market or some buyers may not be drawn to the fanciest home on the block.
  • Big – or small – backyard. A giant backyard may be great for the home owner but some buyers may not want the extra maintenance. On the other hand, if the backyard is too small – particularly with zero privacy and barriers -- some buyers may overlook that too. “The size of the yard can be a very big factor,” says Amy Cook, a real estate professional in San Diego. “Some people actually don’t want any maintenance and prefer to have a very small yard. Others want a yard for their kids or want privacy. … Many homes get nixed because of the lack of privacy with other houses right beside it.”
  • Tile flooring. Tile floor can be one of the most difficult flooring types to remove and it can turn off some buyers. “Tile is very difficult and expensive to change, and often what owners choose just isn’t very attractive,” says Cook. “Basic white, dated tile is usually a big turn-off for buyers.”

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